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  Canada has a population of approximately 30 million people

  There are 2 official languages - English and French

  The first Prime Minister was Sir John A. Macdonald. At present, the P.M. is Jean Chrétien

  Canada’s largest city is Toronto, followed by Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa

  The country’s capital is Ottawa

  Ten million square kms of land make up the country, making it the second largest country (next to Russia)

  Canada is divided up into 10 Provinces and 2 territories (there will be a 3rd territory soon..see below)

  The National Anthem is ‘Oh Canada’

  The Maple leaf and beaver are Canada’s national symbols Canada has six time zones (The easternmost, in Newfoundland, the Atlantic, the Eastern, the Central, the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific)

  Canada’s main natural resources are natural gas, oil, gold, coal, copper, iron ore, nickel, potash, uranium and zinc, wood and water.

  Canada’s leading exports are automobile vehicles and parts, machinery and equipment, high-technology products, oil, natural gas, metals, and forest and farm products.

  Leading industries include automobile manufacturing, pulp and paper, iron and steel work, machinery and equipment manufacturing, mining, extraction of fossil fuels, forestry and agriculture.

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