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Qixia , located in the beautiful Shandong Peninsula is celebrated as the First Apple City of China. It covers 2017 square kilometers with the total population of 680 thousand .

栖霞区位优越。 北临人间仙境蓬莱阁,南近青岛,东北离烟台港、烟台机场仅60公里。同江至三亚高速公路、204国道、烟青一级公路、蓝烟铁路等道路纵横交错,四通八达,形成出入境快捷的立体化交通网络。
Qixia is superior in geographical position. Qixia faces Penglai Pavilion to the north and Qingdao to the south . It is only 60 kilometers away from the northeast to Yantai port and airport. The highway from Tongjiang to Sanya ,Nation Highway No.204 ,Yanqi Highway, and Lanyan Railway spreading the whole city, provide convenient transportation.

Qixia is abundant in resources. There are more than 40 minerals under exploitation, of which gold output stands sixth in China , and marble and granite stands third .Talcum reserves here occupies the second place of North China, which makes it one of the three largest export bases of talcum.

Qixia is a city with beautiful landscape . It is famous for the provincial Mt. Ya Forest Park , Mt.Ai Hot Spring , Anli Reservior and Shibapan Natural Park. The rate of forest coverage is 44 percent that Qixia becomes an area of national zoology and environment . It is also well-known for the grandiose martyr cemetery and solemn Taixu Palace which is the cradleland of Quanzhen Junta , Taoism of China. Mushi Demesne is the largest yard buildings with residence feature of the north China which is protected well currently. It is the key culture relic institute protected by the state, and it is increasingly becoming a tourist attraction.

Qixia boasts a sound industrial foundation with kinds of excellent products. The industry products range from timbering, textile, machinery, electronics, gold, chemical industry to food and so on.

Qixia is leading in fruit producing. The area of fruit orchard accounts for 650 thousand hectares, and the output reaches 1 million and 100 thousand tons per annum. It is determined as the First Apple City of China and Apple Producing Base without Social Effects of Pollution by the state. It is also reputed as Hometown of Apple.

Qixia is a lifeful place, full of hope. Welcome to Qixia to look around or invest and develop business. The enthusiastic and honest people of Qixia hope to start a brighter future with all the friends.


芝罘区 莱山区 开发区 福山区 牟平区 长 岛 龙口市 莱阳市 莱州市 蓬莱市 招远市 栖霞市 海阳市 
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